How to Prevent Freezer Burn

There is nothing as disappointing as going into the freezer for that ice cream you have been saving just to discover that it has formed ice crystals.

Freezer burn is a common issue that can lead to wasted food and leave a dent in your grocery bill. It can happen to any frozen food, but what is freezer burn?

Freezer burn is what happens when the liquid inside your frozen food begins to evaporate, which dehydrates the food, leaving dry, grayish looking spots or icy crystals behind.

When you see ice crystals on food, it does generally mean there is freezer burn happening on your food and can be a great warning to use the food up before the flavor can change too much.

Meats like steak, ground beef, and pork often get grey spots where freezer burn has taken hold. This will have a less than pleasant taste and rubbery texture.

Is it safe to eat freezer-burned food? Yes, actually, it is safe to eat food that’s been freezer burned.

Air is the enemy to freezing food. If you remove the opportunity for moisture to evaporate you will not get freezer burn.

To avoid having extra moisture evaporation make sure you don’t add food that is hot to the freezer. The steam will evaporate and turn into ice crystals.

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