Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

Ever since I started making my own homemade laundry detergent I knew I wanted to try to make homemade dishwasher detergent as well.

You’ll need 5 ingredients: – 1 Cup Washing Soda (cleaner) – 1 Cup Baking Soda (cuts out grease) – 3 packages unsweetened lemonade drink mix (added cleaning power, antibacterial and smells awesome) – 1 Cup of Kosher Salt (reduces hard water build up – you might be able to reduce this amount if you have soft water) – 1 Cup Water

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl with a spoon.

At this stage you can actually just leave it all as a powder.

Just add a tablespoon to your washer dispenser and wash as usual.

If you want to make tabs though, just add the water… When you poor in the water it will fizz, it’s pretty fun to watch!

Once all the ingredients have combined together into clumpy texture similar to really moist sand you can spoon it into two ice cube trays.

Place them in a dry and sunny spot for at least 24 hours.

Price per homemade dishwasher detergent tab = about $0.03 cents each!

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