Homemade All Natural Carpet Cleaner Solution

I’m here to solve your problem with finding an inexpensive, easy to make homemade all natural carpet cleaner solution for your carpet shampooer machine.

We both HATE spending like $20+ dollars on that bottle of rug doctor concentrate carpet cleaner stuff, but really do want to have nice smelling carpets. Oh the struggle is real, right?

What I love about this recipe is I always have the ingredients on hand.

Ingredients – 1/2 gallon vinegar – 1/2 gallon hot water – 5 drops essential oils optional

In a large bowl or pitcher, combine the vinegar, hot water and essential oils, stirring until well combined.

Before you begin cleaning, make sure that your carpet has been thoroughly vacuumed.

Fill machine reservoir with this solution. Then you can run the machine over your entire carpet, making sure to show special attention to stains or spots.

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