How to Raise Baby Chicks

Whether you are dreaming of fresh eggs, learning to be more self-reliant, looking for a great pet or wanting your own home-grown chickens for meat, just about anyone can raise chickens.

You will need a few supplies and items to care for baby chicks. Here are the supplies you need.

A brooder box or bin to keep them in. Some sort of bedding.

A Heat Lamp  + Heat Bulb. A Thermometer. Feed.

A Waterer and a Feeder. Netting or chicken wire to put above your brooder box. The big Chicken Coop they will be using when they are older.

Turns out most feed stores have a day where they will get in a huge lot of baby chicks where you can choose to pick up just a few or a large lot of chicks.

The first thing you need to do is dip their little beaks into their waterer for a second so they knew where the water is.

Then they will chirp around, eat their feed, poop and sleep.  They will just be running one minute and then drop like they are dead the next. It's normal.

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