I can remember as a child biting into a fresh ripe peach, letting the juice dribble down my chin and thinking life just doesn’t get better than this. As an adult my opinion hasn’t changed. I LOVE fresh, the problem with fresh peaches is that they are only in season for a little while. Thank goodness that they can be preserved by canning! This week my sister and I canned fresh peaches without using sugar and I wanted to share my recipe with you.
Growing up my mom was quite the canner. Working all day making peaches, pickles, tomatoes, grape juice, applesauce. She was always hot and tired by the time she was done. I suppose as a child I never appreciated all the work that went into the whole process. As an adult the thought of standing in my kitchen all day carvin’ up peaches just didn’t sound appealing. Let’s just say it took me many years as a mother myself to get the desire to can. But eventually I missed the flavor of homemade peaches, pears and applesauce so I knew I had to try.
My sister came to visit me this past week and we decided we would can peaches together. All I can say is that it is SO much better to can with someone. Especially someone who makes you giggle and laugh all the way through the process. We both had to fight the urge to eat them all up too…one for the canning jar, one for me. Two for the canning jar… ahem.
As I am starting on a more real foods lifestyle I wanted my recipe to be without white sugar. I loved the idea of using honey instead, since someday I dream of having my own beehive. We picked, peeled and canned the peaches together. Then we opened up a jar to try them out. They were wonderful!!
Perfecto! Glorious even.
Here is how to preserve peaches without sugar.
Supplies needed:
- Jars, lids and rings
- Canner, tongs, canning jar holder, pots
- Cutting Board, paring knife
- Large bowl, colander
- Ice
- measuring cups & teaspoons
- Peaches – use freestone peaches – they make canning easy! The pits come right out. I used Elberta peaches this year.
- Lemon Juice
- Honey
- water
You want to start with some fresh ripe peaches. We went down to our local u-pick orchard and picked 95 lb. of peaches!! We paid $0.70 per lb. I think it will be great when I have my own farm to grow a few peach trees so I will save money.

It was so fun picking peaches, we took our kids and had a blast. There were a few peaches we picked that were ripe and ready to eat but the majority of them had to wait a few days. I took a twin sized sheet and laid out each peach individually. If left in the boxes they will bruise more.
It took two days and then most of the peaches were ripe. You don’t want them to be too soft or too hard. Gently press them and if they slightly give they are ready.

Once you are ready to begin, get your stations ready. First step is to sterilize your jars and lids.

I ran my jars through the sterilize option on my dishwasher. If you don’t have a dishwasher just clean them with hot soapy water as best you can. You want your jars to be really clean to avoid any bacteria that might get in.

Also add your lids and rings to a pot and simmer until ready to use.

Peel your peaches either using the water bath method or with a peeler. I used the water bath method which is this. Get a pot of boiling water going. Have a bowl of ice water ready for cooling. Gently add in a few peaches, and then leave for 30 seconds in the boiling water. Quickly remove to the ice water to cool for one minute.

Then if the peaches are ripe the skins should just peel off super easily.

Then take your peaches, slice it in half and remove the pits.
I removed the little bit of red next to the pit…and sliced my peaches into 1/4 inch slices.

Then add them to the jar.I always stuff as many peaches as I can get in there until I get to the threads of the jar top.

To the jars: Add first one teaspoon of lemon juice to preserve color.

Then in a separate bowl you take 7 cups of warm water and mix in 1/3 cup of honey. I love this picture. It’s artsy-fartsy.

Pour the honey water combo into your jars leaving about 1/2 inch of headroom. I would also jiggle the jar to release any pockets of air.

Next add the lids and rings to the top of the jars. You can use a fork to get the lids out of the simmering water or one of those cool canning magnets. Don’t screw on the rings too tight. Place the jars into your canner and make sure there is 1 inch of water above the tops of the jars. Once the water is boiling boil your jars for 15-20 minutes. The canning manuals will tell you to cook them for 20-25 minutes but I choose to do it for 15 minutes.

After the time is up remove the jars on a towel to cool. Make sure to not have the jars touch each other. And do not touch them or mess with them as this can mess up the processing as well. The lids will “pop” as they cool. I love hearing that sound…
If for some reason once they are all cool you have a jar that didn’t pop, that means it didn’t seal right. So you can go ahead and eat right away or save in your refrigerator for up to a week or two.

Canned Peaches without Sugar
- 20 lbs Peaches – freestone
- 10 tsp Lemon Juice
- 1/3 cup Honey
- 7 cups water
- Sterilize your jars and lids. If you don't have a dishwasher just clean them with hot soapy water as best you can. You want your jars to be really clean to avoid any bacteria that might get in.
- Add your lids and rings to a small pot and simmer on low until ready to use.
- Start your large canning pot to boil. If it boils too quickly you can turn it to low until you're ready to add your canning jars to it.
- Peel your peaches either using the water bath method or with a peeler. For water bath: Get a pot of boiling water going. Have a bowl of ice water ready for cooling. Gently add in a few peaches, and then leave for 30 seconds in the boiling water. Quickly remove to the ice water to cool for one minute. The skins should peel off super easily
- Then take your peaches, slice in half and remove the pits. Note: I prefer to remove the little bit of red next to the pit and slice my peaches into 1/4 inch slices
- Then add the peaches to the jars. Stuff as many peaches as you can get in there until your peaches reach just below the rings of the jars.
- Add one teaspoon of lemon juice to each jar to preserve color.
- Then in a separate bowl take 7 cups of warm water and mix in 1/3 cup of honey. Mix until combined.
- Pour the honey water into your jars leaving about 1/2 inch of headroom. I would also jiggle the jar to release any pockets of air or use a canning tool to remove air.
- Next add the lids and rings to the top of the jars. You can use a fork to get the lids out of the simmering water or one of those cool canning magnets. Note: Don't screw on the rings too tight!
- Place the jars into your canner and make sure there is 1 inch of water above the tops of the jars. Once the water is boiling, boil your jars for 15-20 minutes. The canning manuals will tell you to cook them for 20-25 minutes but I choose to do it for 15 minutes.
- After the time is up remove the jars, sitting them upright onto to a towel to cool. Make sure to not have the jars touch each other. And do not touch them or mess with them as this can mess up the processing as well. The lids will "pop" as they cool. I love hearing that sound…it's the best!
- If for some reason once they are all cool you have a jar that didn’t pop, that means it didn’t seal right. So you can go ahead and eat right away or save in your refrigerator for up to a week or two.
Loved this recipe?
Make sure to follow on Instagram @happymoneysaver and on Pinterest @happymoneysaver for more money savin’ recipes!
After you are all done canning your peaches, consider doing a happy thought by sharing a finished jar with a friend saying “I love you to Peaches”. Who wouldn’t love that?
Questions? Comments? What are you canning this year? Do you have any tips to share?
Comments & Reviews
sharon carter says
Is it necessary to peel the peaches first? .. I’d just as soon leave the peelings on as this is how I eat them normally.
Sandra says
NOTE: Wipe top of jar, with a clean wet cloth to remove any spills, before putting on lid. Otherwise the jar may not seal.
sharon carter says
any way to tell for sure if the jars sealed properly other than listening for a “pop”? I did not remain in kitchen after putting jars on towel to cool, so couldn’t have heard any pops. Even if I had been in there, how was I to know which jar popped .. would there have been any visible sign .. all of my jars seem to be o.k. … tops are flat .. fruit still LOOKS good inside after one week.
Michelle Martens says
Thank you for this recipe, I tried it out right away! Haven’t tasted yet, but I’m sure they’ll be great!
When I read ‘Don’t screw on the rings too tight’, I just slightly tightened them, didn’t really put pressure on it. Then when they all ‘popped’ I tightened them a bit more, is that okay?
Also, I thought I had taken out all the air bubbles, but after the boiling process, I saw some air bubbles rising to the surface… Any advice? (I’m new to canning)
sharon carter says
Do I have to invest in a “canner”. Will a large aluminum or stainless steel pot work just as well?
Karrie says
As long as the jars are covered I think that will work. Anyone else? Is this okay not to use a canner?
Victoria says
Just yesterday I canned some Bourbon Figs, and I do not have a canner. I used my extra large stockpot, put a few Mason screw rings (not the flat lids) in the bottom, sat the jars on the rings and boiled away. Worked a champ. And I also have a ceramic flat cooktop. Been using this stockpot on it for 15 years with no problem. No problem yesterday either. This is what I’ll be doing until I can convince Hubs I need a canner!!!!!
Allison says
Last June was my first attempt at canning peaches, I found your recipe and followed your instructions. We just opened the first jar this morning and it was fabulous:) Bites of summer in January!
Laura says
I made these this summer and just now opened a jar and wow! They are fantastic! Question- did you put the jars in and then turn on the heat (bring it to boil)? I lost 3 jars due to breakage. I assume it is because the jar contents were so much cooler than the hot water bath I set them in. Thanks.
Karrie says
No, I had the water boiling first, sorry you lost jars! I think I always have my liquids as hot as possible and the jars straight out of the dishwasher hot too.
Carla says
II just love this recipe and have used it with great success. Using the honey as an alternative is perfect and tastes delicious. We are now getting ready to can all of our bosc pears and wondered if we could use this same recipe? Thanks!
Happy.MoneySaver says
I haven’t tried it with pears but I bet it would be great! Try it out!
Lindsay Allen says
I only have pint sized jars. Are they going to be too small to use? What would the measurements for the lemon juice, honey, and water be for them?
I was planning to use my pressure cooker to do this, but it’s limit is 4 pint sized jars at a time. Should I go get quart sized jars and try this on my stovetop instead? Advice please!
Karrie says
Hmmm…peaches are pretty big fruit ususally, but you can always try pints! I would just make a batch of the liquid and pour it in as needed into the jars. I would do quarts because you will be there all day doing pints!:)
Lindsay Allen says
Ok. So then in using quart sized jars, I don’t have a special canning sized pot, just have a plain ol stock pot to use on my stovetop. Will that work ok for cooking the jars after they are filled? Three quart sized jars will fit into my pot, but I don’t think there will much (if any) water covering the tops.
Do I need to just invest in a canning pot? They seem so huge and I don’t think the little burners on my stovetop will hear the thing. :/
Shonah says
Can’t wait to try this. I have 40lbs of peaches on my counter right now! They should be ready for canning on Saturday. Question, how many jars does your water/honey mixture fill? Just wondering how much honey I need.
Side question, I canned pickles, but now I’m freaked out of my mind about botulism. I think my water vinegar ratio is off and I may have to throw them all out 🙁 Ideas?
AmyInNH says
1/4 cup of cognac or Southern Comfort in a jar or two adds a mellow warmth to the taste for the holidays.
sharon says
Hello. If I use coconut sugar, how much would be used in this recipe? Or use a sugar based recipe and replace with coconut sugar?
Happy.MoneySaver says
I am not sure. I have never used coconut sugar in this recipe. Sorry!
Kelly Smario says
What is the shelf life of the canned peaches?
Happy.MoneySaver says
About a year…if it lasts that long!
Heidi Herrmann says
Can you use this same process/recipe for nectarines?
Happy.MoneySaver says
You sure can!
Beverly P says
I heard that the rings are not like the old rings and they don’t keep the jars very long.
Nancy says
Would it be okay to use unpasteurized honey?
Happy.MoneySaver says
I have never used unpasteurized honey so I am not sure about that. I know you can use raw honey in the recipe though.
Marlene Tuma says
As a master food preserver, I need to just add my two cents. First of all, you must always process for the full time. This kills what it needs to instead of us. Second of all, I use a chop stick to get the air out after the jar is filled. Wipe the top and add the hot lids. An other time saver is a bib electric roaster. I fill with water and put all my jars and lid into it. This saves so much time. Also a magnetized stick of any kind will help pull out the hot lids.
If you ever have any questions or concerns about canning, you could call you local home economist, or look up on line UW Extention office.
Be safe and enjoy those great looking peaches.
Nicole says
As a master food preserver, is sugar ever needed in a canning recipe or is it just there for taste purposes? I know you need something there(but i just might use the honey solution from above)to sort of feed on but I have cut 98% of white sugar from my diet. I would love try try more canning. Made a Christmas chutney one year, and a jam one year(only enough for one quart as I am a novice and don’t have much storage space!)
Any thoughts?
Pam says
I love canning with as little sugar as possible. I’m using coconut sugar this year. 🙂
Marie says
One might as well use sugar as Kirkland honey shown in the picture, which is actually just corn syrup.
Iman says
Me and my boys canned peaches over the weekend using local raw honey. The peaches had the right amount of sweetness. I passed out a few jars and everyone said they were the best canned peaches they had tasted. I am so glad my boys love them since the honey also is helping with their allergies.
Lindsey W. says
when you make the honey/water mixture – does that split between all the jars?
Happy.MoneySaver says
mandy says
how many peaches does this recipe call for?
Happy.MoneySaver says
I used about 2 – 3 lbs of peaches to fill one quart jar!