I am so delighted to share all the information I have learned on how to raise baby chicks. Whether you are dreaming of fresh eggs, learning to be more self-reliant, looking for a great pet or wanting your own home-grown chickens for meat, just about anyone can raise chickens.
I love my chickens. But growing up I was terrified of them. The drive for learning how to be self-reliant and the desire for fresh eggs helped me to overcome my fears. I live in the city and only am allowed a couple of chickens, so I brought home 4 chirping little baby chicks this past spring. After learning how to raise baby chicks and watching them grow, I can say they are the most enjoyable pets I have ever raised. They are super easy to care for, can be very loving, inexpensive to feed plus you get super delicious fresh eggs from them too.
How To Raise Baby Chicks
You will need a few supplies and items to care for baby chicks. Here are the supplies you need.
A brooder box or bin to keep them in. You can use a stock tank, swimming pool, your bathtub or even an old kids swimming pool. I used a plastic tote for my chicks since I already had them hanging around my garage. Some people use a cardboard box as well, but I don’t recommend it.
A Heat Lamp + Heat Bulb. When you buy your heat bulb try to get the red light heat bulb. Chickens will peck each other to death if they see blood, so the red light will make everything red thus avoiding any pecking injuries. You could also use a white heat lamp as well and just keep a good eye out for them. Consider also keeping a backup heat lamp just in case one burns out.
A Thermometer – You will be using a heat lamp with a reflector, which you can find usually at the feed stores or even hardware stores. The temperature needs to be around 90 degrees for the first week, then can be reduced by 5 degrees each week until the chicks have their feathers in (usually around 6-8 weeks). Watch your chicks carefully though as they will show you if they are too hot or cold. If they are huddling in the corner farthest away from the light they are too hot, and if they are huddled in a ball under the light they are too cold. Just keep an eye on how they are reacting. Use the thermometer to get your heat lamp at the right height for the temperature needed. You can find these at your local Walmart or any hardware store for around $1.00.
Some sort of bedding. Pine shavings are what I use, but you can also use pine pellets, straw or other soft materials. Avoid cedar shavings and newspaper shreds as they are not great for chicks. Baby chicks do poop a lot so be prepared to be changing this often.
Feed – get chick starter feed from feed supply stores. This is all your chicks will need to eat. If you want to start giving them treats or bugs, wait until they are one to two weeks old first, and start some chick grit at the same time. I think the first thing I treated my chicks to when they turned a week old was a single shred of cheese, they loved it.
A Waterer and a Feeder – I used these little plastic ones you can find at feed stores for a couple of bucks each. Make sure and change out their water every day as they often poop and kick shavings in them.
Netting or chicken wire to put above your brooder box. Little chicks will fly up within a few days usually to get out, so put netting over the top to keep them from escaping. You can use a little piece of chicken wire or fine hardware mesh that covers it.
The big Chicken Coop they will be using when they are older. It’s best to get this figured out early so they are not giant chickens in a little bin while you are trying quickly & frantically to build a coop for them.
Where to get baby chicks
I called the feed store in my town to see when they have their “chick days.” Turns out most feed stores have a day where they will get in a huge lot of baby chicks where you can choose to pick up just a few or a large lot of chicks. Some even offer free deals where if you buy the feed you will be able to get a free chick. Make sure when you call you ask what breeds of chicks they will be getting in. Do some research on the kind of chickens you want to raise – whether for meat or for laying, fancy or bantam, temperments and more.
I had my kids go online and google pictures of which breed of chicken they would like to raise. They chose by color pretty much. We went down to our local feed store on “chick day” where they each brought home the kind of chick they wanted. Going the feed store was perfect for us since we are only able to have a small amount of chicks and we were able to get a variety of chicks. It was so much fun and the kids had a blast (read about it here).
You can also order your chicks or hatching eggs online. Make sure and watch because most online chicken companies will require a minimum chicken order. If you only need a few chicks consider splitting a batch with a friend. Here are some places you can order baby chicks online:
- Cackle Hatchery – minimum 15-20 chicks
- Freedom Ranger Hatchery – Small, family-owned hatchery supplying slow-growing broiler chickens to small farms and organic, free-range, and pastured poultry operations. They offer the Freedom Ranger chicken breed, which is a heritage breed.
- Ideal Poultry – minimum 25 chicks
- J.M. Hatchery – minimum 25 chicks
- Meyer Hatchery – low minimum order of just 3 chicks
- Murry Mcmurry Hatchery – very popular place that many people I have talked to order from.
- My Pet Chicken – you can order as few as 3 chicks with mix breeds – great for city folks like me!
- Privett Hatchery – minimum 25 chicks
- Welp Hatchery – minimum 25 chicks
Caring for your baby chicks at Home
Whether you just came back from the post office or the feed store with your new baby chicks in hand, make sure all you have their nice little brooding box all ready to go. Make sure you have read all about how to raise baby chicks so you are prepared.
The first thing you need to do is dip their little beaks into their waterer for a second so they knew where the water is.
Then they will chirp around, eat their feed, poop and sleep. They will just be running one minute and then drop like they are dead the next.
The drop-dead-look is normal, it’s just how they sleep. They are so adorable.
If you find your chicks are constantly kicking their pine shavings into your waterer, add a book covered in a ziplock bag or a weight underneath. It helps a little. But still check the waterer often for poop and shavings. Wash it in soap & water periodically also to keep them healthy.
Chicken Poop & Pasty Butt
Keep an eye out for a condition called Pasty Butt with baby chicks during the first week. If the chicks get their poop stuck to their bums, it can seal it up and will kill them if they can’t go. So if you start seeing any poop stuck you gotta wash it off. Only one of our 4 chicks had this. Sorry if you are grossed out by this, but farming ain’t all flowers and fresh milk.
Oh yeah, I am making you look at a chicken’s butt. Tee hee..
So when your chick gets Pasty Butt you just need to take a warm wash cloth and wash the poop off gently. No picking it off, it can hurt them. We had our baby chick sit in some warm water (in a bowl) and gently washed it off.
Problem is when they have wet feathers, the others will peck at them so you will want to separate them until dry. My son held our chick with a wash cloth until she was dry. He loves doing things like that.
How often do you change their pine shavings? It all depends on your preference. I had my chicks in the house and once I could smell it I would be changing it. This was usually every 3-4 days. During the first two weeks it seemed like their poop was out of control, but as they got older their poop changed to a different consistency and I was able to change it once a week.
I spent around $50-$60 for all the supplies I needed for my baby chicks including feed and bedding for 2 months. But the real expense can come with the big chicken coop you need to buy or build. If you are super thrifty you can use scrap wood, pallets or other materials and create for a really low cost. I will update this post after my chickens are a year old so we can really see how much it costs to raise them.
We have LOVED having baby chicks. They are very entertaining. Just for fun try scratching your finger to the bottom of the pine shavings bin and see if they copy you (its so cute seeing them learn to scratch for the first time.) After a few weeks we offered them a few treats (you can buy freeze dried worms and they go nuts…). But our favorite thing is when they just fall asleep in our hands, it is the sweetest thing ever.
Good luck on raising your baby chicks! And let me know if you have any questions.
Comments & Reviews
Abby says
I got a few chicks a few days ago and did everything correct (i’ve had chicks before) and we had one that died a day after. it was a bantam. the next day we went to get a replacement chick and it was another bantam because i really like the coloring of the chicks and it died that night. are bantams a bad breed to have or are they just susceptible to sickness?
Karrie says
So strange! I’m not sure! It depends on lots of things, sometimes if they get even a little bit chilled they will die, they are smaller and more sensitive to stuff like that. So even on the way home if they aren’t warm enough they might have issues. Sorry about your chicks!
Karrie says
I’ve used both, and it’s fine to use a non-red heating lamp. It’s just a little better to use the red one just in case one of them gets a boo boo and had blood. But it’s totally okay to use a regular heat lamp. 🙂
Karen Brown says
My daughter got three chicks. She studied up on how to take care of them. One died within four days. It was smaller and seemed weak already. The other two were lively. Suddenly at around the two week mark, one of them started doing weird flips and tucking her head between her legs. Well, we did some online research and discovered a condition commonly known as wry neck. She has been trying to nurse it back to health. Vitamins E and B, selenium, and now we are going to try Bayer aspirin (children’s). She also uses chick electrolytes in the water. It seemed to help up to a certain point, but the chick is still flipping. The other chick still seems very healthy. Has anybody had any issues with this? Any tips on what else we can do? It is very frustrating and sad to watch the chick go through this.
Cooper Trigg says
Will I be able to put them in my garage? I dont know is will want them to be in my house?
Karrie says
Yes you totally can! Just make sure to have a heat lamp. 🙂
thuoc ga da says
Taking care of chicks is extremely difficult, thank you for sharing the experience of caring for chicks for the best development. This will be very useful information to help me raise chickens better. I will always by your side.
Joseph says
thanks for the information. I love the site I want to start a small chicken farm. BUT how old should the chicks before I bring them out to the chicken coop.
Karrie says
By 4-5 weeks the chicks are usually ready to go outside – just be careful if the weather is really really cold, you may need to make sure they get used to it gradually first. Have fun! Chickens are the best!
Prasad says
what are the home ingredients we can provide to small chicks
Brittany says
I have 6 baby chicks an 2 of them are being mean to the 2 smallest ones is that normal or what should I do… I new to the whole raising baby chicks.
Rowena says
My chicks drink from the same nipples that you posted about for your adult hens – just added them to a smaller container and clipped it to the side of the bin. You do have to watch them and make sure each one knows how to use it before you withdraw a standard water dish (with marbles) but after you tease the nipple with your finger, your most confident chick will go check it out and the others learn by watching.
So much cleaner and nicer 🙂
I read your chook adventure from start to finish (I found you to watch your silver laced Wyandotte grow, as I cannot determine the sex yet) and I would love to hear an update on everything with your 20 chicks! Also, sorry for mentioning a hen that didn’t make it 🙁
Sonia Dallas Speight says
WE are wanting to raise chicks but we work 10 to 12 hours at night. Is it okay to leave them alone for that amount of time?
random dude says
I have two places to put my chick in:
A box for a sleepy chick complete with
-cloth(as bed and blanket)
-food bowl (when sleepy chick is hungry
-water bowl and thirsty)
A play place(A small pool lookin thing) complete with
-newspaper (floor)
-a small ball! (or other toys..)
-a food bowl and water bowl
Is this good enough?
Ally says
I am about to get a baby chick, so thank you for the info!????
Jessica says
I am hoping that you can help me.
My son got 22 day-old chicks this past Friday. He did his research, etc. Everything seemed perfect. However, after 24 hours of being in the brooder, the first chick died. After this, we lost one about every eight hours or so. A friend said that the heat lamp was too low; we also began to wonder if the thermometer was broken. So while they didn’t show signs of overheating (my son knew to watch for that), I wonder if they did get overheated.
We have seven chicks left. We have ordered a new batch, arriving tomorrow. If it was the heat that killed this first batch, we are confident that we have solved the problem. If it wasn’t the heat, though, I fear that we are going to have a repeat.
My question is: is it possible that even after five days, they are still dying as a result of being overheated for the first 36 hours? The one that died this morning seemed as healthy as can be yesterday.
Karrie says
Hmmm… I am not sure. Is there something possibly in your water or in the food that is bad? Other than that you may have gotten sick ones possibly? It could be the heat too…try to get a thermometer or borrow one from a neighbor to check it. Sorry!! That is awful to lose baby chicks.
Kristin says
We just got a baby chick from my daughters first grade class. Once I got the light set up and food and water put out she stopped chirping constantly. I just think shes worn out from the move. Question…Does she need a friend? I’ve read that they will tell you if they get too hot. Would she sleep right under the light of she was too hot or would she chirp a lot? I have her in a gerbil cage with bedding recommended for birds and a water fountain and a bird feeder with starter food. What else would you suggest. I have the light about 12 to 16 inches off of her. Am I doing it right? #concernedmother #mydaughterlovesherchick
Karrie says
Yep, she needs a friend, chickens don’t like being alone. She’s chirping because they don’t like being alone. If it’s too hot she will press herself up against the far side,as far from the heat as possible, so watch for that. You aren’t using the gerbil waterer right? Im not sure if they will know to drink out of those. Make sure she is drinking and eating!
Judy says
When I get my baby chicks, should I be putting anything special in there water? I have heard a tiny but of apple cider vinegar to prevent pasty butt. ??.
Karrie says
I usually don’t add anything to the water, just keep it clean. 🙂
Judy says
I have been doing alot n of research before I buy my first baby chicks. I have made my own brooder and I want to learn as much as I can before instart. This is by far the best and most helpful page I have encountered.
Thank you Judy
Karrie says
Thanks Judy!!
shehu y says
my birds usually have CRD .what would you suggest? Thanks for the information.
Christy says
I have adopted my first six chickens one male and five females they are black copper Marans beautiful little creatures I must say I am in love I recommend this breed to anyone who respects a beautiful show chicken and yummy eggs
Karrie says
I’d love to try a black copper maran….sounds lovely!
Shirley says
My first time Hatching eggs our 18th day and very excited for the arrival day what do they eat in the first week when hatched.
Karrie says
They have their “yolk sac” that will feed them for the first few days and when they are ready they will start eating chick grower food. 🙂
Janeel says
Help! Just got an orphan chick…still tiny enough to fit in an egg. I was hoping a hen with babies would take it with her chicks but it just sat there alone…and cold…these are chickens that wonder around our neighborhood and I think some kids or a dog must have gotten to the mother and siblings….How do I care for such a young chick…he doesn’t seem to want to or know how to eat yet…he just a poor baby all alone.
Janeel says
The baby died about an hour after my post…so sad…I tried but it seems it was too weak from being without it’s mother and I don’t know how long he was alone outside….my heart is breaking…
Robert says
Don’t feel bad Janeel… at least you tried. That’s all you could do.