So, let’s be real. There’s about 1.75 million homemade cleaner recipes floating around out there. I’m sure they’re all fantastic.
You know what’s fantastic to me? Easy. Simple. Cheap. Can I get an AH-MEN?
This recipe is pretty much my favorite. It takes about 30 seconds to pour in a bottle and bam. You’re good to go. I use this as my primary bathroom cleaner, kitchen counter cleaner, and anything cleaner that needs a quick wipe down.
The best part about it is the smell. Depending on which essential oils you choose, it can smell like heaven or other heaven. I know, tough choice. I typically go with Lavender, Tea Tree, or Lemon oils (or all 3!). Sometimes I’ll throw some Peppermint in too, because I love the smell. The other heavyweight cleaning ingredient involved is vinegar. Because of it’s high acidity levels, mold, bacteria, and other germs don’t stand a chance. The essential oil cuts out the sharp smell of the vinegar, so you really can’t go wrong.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 part water
1 part vinegar
10-15 drops essential oils of choice (want to see my fav brand?)
Spray Bottle
Pour everything in your spray bottle of choice and shake it around for a second. I shake it before each use to ensure the oils are well mixed.
That’s it. Seriously.
Now let’s take a look at the cost to convince you even further.
Water: Free.99
Vinegar: I get 2 gallons at Costco for $3.49. That makes each gallon $1.75. I use about 2 C per bottle, which is 1/8 of a gallon. That’s makes the total vinegar price $.22.
Essential Oils: 10-15 drops will cost you around $.30.
Total Price: $.52
I would choose this spray hands down over cleaning wipes any day of the week. And with the average container of wipes costing between $3-$4, this spray is much more economical.
Let’s compare them even further:
Wipes: pricey, smells like chemicals, leaves a residue, takes a million to clean a bathroom, not so environmentally friendly
Homemade Spray: cheap, nose nirvana, leaves everything sparkling, environmentally friendly
Is there even a question? We have a clear winner, folks. Now go and enjoy!
Check some of my other posts I have using essential oils!
- 3 Amazing Ways for using Essential Oils during Cold Season
- DIY Poo Fragrance Spray for the Bathroom
- Homemade Fabric Softener Crystals Recipe {2 Simple Ingredients!}

All Purpose Cleaning Spray
- 1 part water
- 1 part vinegar
- 10-15 drops essential oils of choice want to see my fav brand?
- Spray Bottle
- Pour everything in your spray bottle of choice and shake it around for a second. I shake it before each use to ensure the oils are well mixed.
- That’s it. Seriously.
Comments & Reviews
Lin says
Totally AWESOME……. makes so much sense to use good products (oils / doterra) and make great useful products for yourself and your home AND SAVE MONEY. Great ideas. Will follow….
Devid Ronaldo says
Is this all purpose spray work safe on wood? I’m concerned due to the alcohol content.
Lisa Brecht says
I want to know if your home made cleaners (using essential oils, water,vineger) can be used on sealed granite.
Thank you!
Abby says
Hi, i am abby. can i know how long does this solution last
Susana Marquez Maceira says
Muy buenos! Muchas gracias!
Diane M says
I just stumbled across your site and I love it.
I am also a big fan of essential oils!
I have been making this same cleaner for years and I have to attribute it to my family (of four) not getting nearly as sick as we had been in the past!
For those thinking about making it….do it! You won’t regret it!
Cassie says
I have read, in passing (here and other places), that adding rubbing alcohol will keep essential oil and water from separating. I use various vinegar/water/EO solutions for my home and this tip would be a great help. I am hoping someone can expand on this or share a website that has more information, please?
Rebecca says
I actually have a question about your dishwasher detergent. You said that the lemonade drink mix is added because it’s anti-bacterial, could you tell me what’s in it that makes it that way?
Thank you,
kacie says
When u say 1 part water 1 part vinegar in measuments cups tablespoons etc do u mean?
Happy.MoneySaver says
You can use any measurement that you want. Depending on how big your spray bottle is how many parts you can use. For example if you have a smaller spray bottle you could use 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup vinegar plus the essential oils. But if you have a larger bottle you could use 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar plus the essentials oils. You can use whatever you like as long as it is consistent in all parts. Does that make sense? 🙂
Jess says
I heard essential oils can cause plastic bottles to leach. Thus putting those harmful chemicals into whatever is stored in them. Is this the case, or is this solution diluted enough that this doesn’t happen? Thanks so much.
Happy.MoneySaver says
It is very diluted. If you are worried just make a small batch every time you use it. It’s so simple to throw together that it is worth it.