So, let’s be real. There’s about 1.75 million homemade cleaner recipes floating around out there. I’m sure they’re all fantastic.
You know what’s fantastic to me? Easy. Simple. Cheap. Can I get an AH-MEN?
This recipe is pretty much my favorite. It takes about 30 seconds to pour in a bottle and bam. You’re good to go. I use this as my primary bathroom cleaner, kitchen counter cleaner, and anything cleaner that needs a quick wipe down.
The best part about it is the smell. Depending on which essential oils you choose, it can smell like heaven or other heaven. I know, tough choice. I typically go with Lavender, Tea Tree, or Lemon oils (or all 3!). Sometimes I’ll throw some Peppermint in too, because I love the smell. The other heavyweight cleaning ingredient involved is vinegar. Because of it’s high acidity levels, mold, bacteria, and other germs don’t stand a chance. The essential oil cuts out the sharp smell of the vinegar, so you really can’t go wrong.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 part water
1 part vinegar
10-15 drops essential oils of choice (want to see my fav brand?)
Spray Bottle
Pour everything in your spray bottle of choice and shake it around for a second. I shake it before each use to ensure the oils are well mixed.
That’s it. Seriously.
Now let’s take a look at the cost to convince you even further.
Water: Free.99
Vinegar: I get 2 gallons at Costco for $3.49. That makes each gallon $1.75. I use about 2 C per bottle, which is 1/8 of a gallon. That’s makes the total vinegar price $.22.
Essential Oils: 10-15 drops will cost you around $.30.
Total Price: $.52
I would choose this spray hands down over cleaning wipes any day of the week. And with the average container of wipes costing between $3-$4, this spray is much more economical.
Let’s compare them even further:
Wipes: pricey, smells like chemicals, leaves a residue, takes a million to clean a bathroom, not so environmentally friendly
Homemade Spray: cheap, nose nirvana, leaves everything sparkling, environmentally friendly
Is there even a question? We have a clear winner, folks. Now go and enjoy!
Check some of my other posts I have using essential oils!
- 3 Amazing Ways for using Essential Oils during Cold Season
- DIY Poo Fragrance Spray for the Bathroom
- Homemade Fabric Softener Crystals Recipe {2 Simple Ingredients!}

All Purpose Cleaning Spray
- 1 part water
- 1 part vinegar
- 10-15 drops essential oils of choice want to see my fav brand?
- Spray Bottle
- Pour everything in your spray bottle of choice and shake it around for a second. I shake it before each use to ensure the oils are well mixed.
- That’s it. Seriously.
Comments & Reviews
FAITH says
I love the ideas but would like to know are there any essential oils I can get from the store like walmart or hobby lobby? If so can you lt me know the names and where? Thanks!
kiana says
love this!! thank you.
I’d like to add that store bought spray bottles never work for long, . . . . but reusing one that used to have windex in it -or whatever cleaner- tend to work marvelously! are cheaper than buying new ones and keep just a little bit more plastic out of the landfill. I fill the empty bottle with hot water to heat the glue that keeps the label on then peel it off and relabel with a file label.
Angie says
Great idea! You are so right about store bought spray bottles. They never last for me. I’ve got an old Windex bottle at home I’m going to try out tonight!
Paul says
You can use a Product called Goop to remove the Label and glue..
Cuci says
Very encouraging ! I’m excited to try this ASAP ! Thanks for sharing. I’m so happy i chanced upon your blog. I look forward to learning more from you and your readers.
All the best to you !
MrsJoe says
What are the 2 oil blends in the picture?? What are you favorite oils for cleaning and leaving behind a super fresh scent? Lemon is a given, what else? 🙂
Happy.MoneySaver says
In the picture this time I used Lemongrass and Peppermint. Other favorites are my favorite essential oil brand protective blend called onguard, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Orange and Lemon oils are my favorite. I can mix them or keep them separate!
Peggy says
Are you paid for advertising on guard?
Jenn Kim says
Thank you so much for sharing. I did this and LOVE IT! Love the fact that I can clean my whole house and doesn’t cost much. I used 100% lemon juice instead of essential oils for the kitchen and then orange essential oils for the bathroom one. I love how white my counters look now. So much nicer than using chemicals that make me gag, as I’m cleaning the house…..and best of all…..I don’t have to ask my 6 year old daughter to “stand back” or “leave the room” while mama is cleaning! I’m going to be trying the powdered laundry soap next. So excited that I can save so much money and it be good for the home and our health as well! Thank you, Thank you….Thank you!
k8fearsnoart says
Did it just the way you described- used lavender oil and the tsp. of rubbing alcohol. Despite the humidity, my bathroom mirror ( a circle three feet in diameter!) has NO streaks and looks great! Thank you!
k8fearsnoart says
This might be a dumb question, but do you think that extracts (Like lemon or vanilla or even strawberry!) would work? They are mostly alcohol, (I’ve been anticipating making my own vanilla extract for a while, now!) and since you said you could add rubbing alcohol or even vodka to the mix, so I’m thinking it might work…Thank you for all of the great DIY cleaner recipes, can’t wait to try them!!
Happy.MoneySaver says
No, I would suggest using real pure essential oils as the extracts are not quite strong enough for cleaning.
celeste says
When make the cleaner would you use more than on essential in the bottle or just a single oil?
Happy.MoneySaver says
You could do one oil or mix them for a great smelling spray!
sandra says
Ive been using this for 3 months now, just wonderful! I use for everything tile kitchen floor counters, bathroom toilet, sink, shower. I use 10 drops lemon and 5 drops peppermint oil!
Julie says
Is it okay to use lemon in a plastic container?
Lori says
Thanks for the recipe! I just mixed some up. I do add a tsp of rubbing alcohol to keep the oils from seperating, you could also use Vodka or Witch Hazel as well. I buy all of my oils from Plant Therapy. They are much cheaper.
jill gamble says
Does the spray keep it’s effectiveness over time or do you have to make a new bottle each use? Also do you use paper towels to wipe up or reusable cloths?
Karrie says
It lasts until the bottle runs out for me! You can use either of those cloth options.
Michele Hughes says
I am going to try this, thanks! I use vinegar on my hard wood floors and stainless appliances, but the guy that seals our granite told us to never use it on granite.
Lyndsey says
Is there an oil that you recommend? I’ve heard that tea tree and lemon are good ones. What about On Gaurd?
Karrie says
I love using Onguard – its one of my top favorite ones for cleaning house. 🙂
Julia says
Sound great! I have all hardwood on my main level. Is it safe for that? Stainless appliances (those durn smudges), and granite?
Happy.MoneySaver says
It should be safe on all surfaces but when in doubt always try it on a small part in the corner before using it all over. I have been able to use it in my house with no problems! Happy Cleaning!
Gail Proctor says
Do you have to use the oils for cleaning or are they just for the scent…I have parrots and can’t use chemicals around them or strong smells…
Thanks for all the information you provide us…Gail
Happy.MoneySaver says
The oils create a great scent in the cleaner. I would try out different oils to find a scent that you like (and your parrots can tolerate!) and make your cleaner with that oil. If all else fails you can leave out the oils and still have a great cleaner! 🙂
Jaye says
where do you get the essential oils at?
Karrie says
I use my favorite brand of essential oils – and you can email me to find out how to order some.
Nikki says
Does this work OK on stainless? Does it remove those stubborn fingerprints?
Ashley S says
Hi 🙂 I would love to try this! I have never tried essential oils, but have been reading a lot about them and am really interested in trying them. Where and what do you recommend that I start with?
Karrie says
Hello Ashley, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my favorite brand of essential oils because they are so pure.
P. Baker says
I love young living oils. They are the best ones for me. I sell and use them.
Krystina Lawson says
Love this. Where is the most affordable place where I can purchase the oils? Is there a specific type of oil I need to be looking for?
Karrie says
Hi Krystina – You really want the purest essential oils you can buy so you can find out about which brand I use here.
SARAH says
Can you hear me applauding? 🙂
Karrie says
Kaleb Mandrake says
Is it as good as the name brands as in their big claims of 99.9999999999999999999% kills germs and so forth lol I am def curious about that, and nice site, by the way, so you know, I added into your laundry soap comments another way to make a diff batch I hope it helps not trying to step on toes just spreading the news to folks that want to save 🙂