It’s time for another recipe from my Great Grandmother’s old recipe box. This one really caught my eye, because of one word, and one word only.
My knees grew week and my heart skipped a beat, nothing unusual for me in terms of chocolate, so I pulled out the recipe card and read slowly “Chocolate Jumbles” and then read the ingredients.
Looked good and only had a few ingredients that I didn’t know what were. First unknown ingredient was “nutmeats”. I had never heard of that term before but I figure it was some kind of nut. Next was “sweet cream“. Hmmm…. what is that? Oh and using a raw egg in the frosting?? Ewww!! I was a little bothered by that but I was still intrigued and decided to be brave and make it “as is” just like they did in the old days, and I am so glad that I did!
Vintage Chocolate Jumbles Cookie Recipe
1/2 cup butter
2 squares melted chocolate
1 cup light brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 egg
1 tbsp whipping cream
1 square melted chocolate
2 cups confectioners sugar
In a large mixer or using a hand mixer, cream butter, sugar and chocolate together until smooth.
Next beat in 1 egg and sour cream. In a separate bowl mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add this dry mixture in with the wet and mix on low-med speed for 1 minute or until all combined.
Next is the nutmeats. After doing some research I found out that nutmeats refer to nuts with the shell removed and often times in recipe it referred to chopped walnuts.
Who knew?! So go ahead and chop some walnuts and stir them into the cookie batter.
Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
Frosting- Melt 1 square of chocolate and let cool for a few minutes so its not hot but still melted. Now comes that sweet cream. Sweet cream is actually whipping cream as opposed to sour cream. In the old days this is how they distinguished the two. Makes sense to me.
Next beat 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of whipping cream, and cooled down melted chocolate.
Add in powdered sugar and beat well.
Frost while cookies are still warm.
They were surprisingly good! I really liked them. They didn’t turn out looking as chocolaty as I envisioned but maybe that was because I used semi-sweet chocolate instead of a bakers chocolate, which is darker. The raw egg in the icing didn’t bother me too much. I actually forgot all about it after that first bite… kind of like raw cookie dough I guess. The nutmeats may have been my favorite part. I love the added flavor and texture it gave them. The cookies were very soft, almost cake like and the chocolate icing was a perfect addition to the cookie. Next time I make them I will just make a simple icing with butter, milk and powdered sugar. No raw eggs for me.
All and all this chocolate jumbles cookie recipe was a hit. Everyone in my family loved them and it was nice to try another recipe from my Great Grandmother’s recipe box. I will definitely be making these again. Just look at this next picture and then go make some for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.

Vintage Recipe: Chocolate Jumbles {From my Great Grandmothers Old Recipe Box}
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 squares melted chocolate
- 1 cup light brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp . baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
- Icing:
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp whipping cream
- 1 square melted chocolate
- 2 cups confectioners sugar
- In a large mixer or using a hand mixer, cream butter, sugar and chocolate together until smooth. Next beat in 1 egg and sour cream. In a separate bowl mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add this dry mixture in with the wet and mix on low-med speed for 1 minute or until all combined. Next chop some walnuts and stir into cookie batter.
- Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
- Frosting- Melt 1 square of chocolate and let cool for a few minutes so its not hot but still melted. Beat 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of whipping cream, and cooled down melted chocolate. Add in powdered sugar and beat well.
- Frost while cookies are still warm.
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Make sure to follow on Instagram @happymoneysaver and on Pinterest @happymoneysaver for more money savin' recipes!
To see more recipes that I have made including ones from my Great Grandmothers old recipe box go here. Also if you love food as much as me, check out some of my boards on Pinterest, you will be glad you did!
Comments & Reviews
Pattie says
I love the old recipes they are heartwarming and tasty. I think they ground us keeping us close to our loved ones. Thanks for all that you share with us you inspire us.
Mickey Batin says
I just turned 63, so I am old enough to vaguely remember what nutmeats were. And yes, it was normally walnuts in our house. As far as the sweet cream, our milk was always delivered in bottles (bottles were then returned and sanitized and reused) and the cream always rose to the top. That is what my mom used.
Now for the egg. Back in the day we never needed to refrigerate our eggs. The hens laid them in the warmth of the barn, and we just kept them on the counter in a bowl until needed. However, back then we didn’t have the problems as we have now. We were eating real food back then. And there was no worry about bacteria. But then we also drank from garden hoses, played in mud, dirt and ran through the horse manure.
Nancy says
Karrie, would you like my grandmother’s graham bread recipe. Now, I am 78, I don’t remember my grand other, she was in her mid 40’s when she had my mom and mom was in her mid 20’s when she had me, so gram was gone before me. Bu I can send it to you and see what you think. It is a quick bread and I made it all the time for work to go with my black coffee. This was years ago. and the recipe card is discolored, and I had to put it in plastic, copied it so I would not lose the instructions. Just reply to this post and I will get it off to you. Nancy
Just Sayin’
Karrie says
I would love it Nancy!