So I was DEFINATELY waaaaaaay over budget for August. However, I dont feel too bad as $140 of my budget was spent on fast food and FAIR FOOD ..oh yeah, expensive ..but every greasy bite was worth it. Plus I also had a ton of family in!! For One and a half weeks our household doubled in size. My sister Tiffany, her hubby and their 4 kids came – shall I do the math for you–4 adults and 8 heard me right. It was a crazy week! Then the next week my other sister Ashleigh, her hubby and their 2 kids came. So for 2 and a half weeks I fed tons of extra guests. Thus the massive increase in the budget. I would do it all over again too though to have them come and visit. It was a blast.
Here are my totals for the year so far: Not too bad still for my family of 6!
(although this month really kicked up my average)
If you want to browse through some of my shopping trips from this year click on the image below!
Make sure to follow along with @HappyMoneySaver on Instagram, connect with me on Facebook and pin along with me on Pinterest!.