Making your own Homemade Laundry Detergent
I finally decided to try and make my own homemade laundry detergent using ingredients you can buy at your local supermarket. I was a little bit worried when I saw how many ingredients I needed to buy to make this, and wondered if this would really be cost effective or not. But after making this, doing the math and using it I can tell I will always be making and using my own homemade from now on. It’s a great way to save money!
Here are the cast of ingredients to make your own homemade laundry detergent:
1 Box of Super Washing Soda 3 lb. 7 oz. ($3.24)
1 Box of Borax 4 lbs 12 oz. size ($3.38)
1 Box of Pure Baking Soda 4 lb. ($2.12)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha 5.5 oz. or you could also use Ivory soap ($0.97 x3)
1 container of Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb ($3.86)
*optional: Purex Crystals 28 oz. for scent (or you could use Downy unstoppables ) ($5-$6)
All these ingredients cost a total of $20.27 out of my pocket (Walmart prices).
And that was without using coupons. If some coupons become available you will spend even less.
The first step is to grate your Fels-Naptha Bar. You can use a cheese grater to do this, but I used my food processor as it was a lot quicker. Using my food processor I first grated the bar like cheese, and then used the regular blade to grate down fine. You could use Ivory soap (just microwave it and it will foam where you can just crush it into a fine grade).
Next I grabbed one of my plastic tote bins and put a black garbage bag inside of it. Then I poured each one of the ingredients inside like so.
Mix all these ingredients up well. Possibly throw in some free child labor.
Then add it all to your container of choice.
There is quite a lot of this homemade laundry detergent. In fact it is 18 lbs. worth!
That is 18 lbs of Laundry Detergent!
You only need to use 1-2 tablespoons per load, and yes you can use it in your High Efficiency washing machines (that’s what I have been using). Some people worry that just 1-2 tablespoons is not enough, but this stuff is concentrated and works really well! I have been using it for months now. My daughter has really sensitive skin, and this has been wonderful for her since all the others out there have add-ins.
But is this cost effective?
So I did the math of course, to figure out how much per load this recipe makes. I am super excited about the results because it is as low as $0.04 per load which is a stock up price when it comes to laundry detergent and using coupons. But watch for coupons on these items to even make the cost lower.
By Comparison –
Ultra Tide powder 143 oz. box, 8.9 lbs. = $17.97 at Walmart ($0.12 per load)
This Homemade Laundry Detergent recipe makes 18 lbs (or 288 oz.) and costs $20.27. 1 lb of this is about 28 tablespoons. 18 lbs equals 504 loads @ 1 tbsp per load. Final price is just $0.04 per load!
So $0.04 per load homemade versus $0.12 per load (Tide).
So even the largest box of Tide detergent at Walmart which has 102 loads won’t last as long as this homemade stuff. And you can save so much money by making this yourself. Give it a try, you won’t be sorry…I promise!

Homemade Laundry Detergent
- 1 box Super Washing Soda 3.7 lb
- 1 box Borax 4 lb 12 oz. size
- 1 box Pure Baking Soda 4 lbs
- 3 5.5 oz bars of Fels-Naptha
- 1 container Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb
- 1 28 oz *optional: Purex Crystals for scent or you could use Downy un-stoppables
- Finely grate the Fels-Naptha. Mix all the ingredients together and store in container of your choice. Use only 1-2 Tablespoons of detergent per load.
Homemade Laundry Detergent – costs $20.27 to make – can last a whole year or even longer (504 loads)
Updating this post: this recipe has lasted 10 months for my family of 6!! Plus I wanted to share this awesome comment posted from Nick (thanks for your service Nick!):
I think that is the best comment ever!
Comments & Reviews
Bonnie says
I have the same question. Is this good for HE machines???
Debbie Desranleau says
I made this recipe and I absolutely love it and so does my family my question is this is it safe for my septic tank?
Emily says
I’ve used it for years with my septic tank. I’ve read about Fels-Naptha (& Ivory Soap) being bad for septic, due to the fatty acids, but we use Rid-X once a month that is supposed to take care of that (as well as the other soaps containing fatty acids we use). I’d love to hear if that’s not correct, but we have had no problems! I would say research and read, so you’ll have a peace about using it. Happy cleaning!
William Latimer says
I have been making this recipe for years. Works as well, if not better than store bought detergent. I do not add scent which saves even more in cost. One batch lasts exactly two years for a household of two. Thanks.
Stephanie Boydston says
I use the laundry soap to get rid of pet urine smells. I soak up as much as I can with a towel. Then sprinkle the laundry detergent on the wet spot. Put a towel on top so no one disturbs the spot Nd let it dry for a couple of hours. Come back and vacuum and no pee smell at all. Better than any pet urine stuff on the market.
Jane O'Brien says
I found this recipe irritated my skin. :o(
RD says
I bought a few boxes of Tide original scent, 254 oz sized on Ebay for about $33 each to my front door- enough for 2 years at least, maybe when I get low I’ll try your recipe!
Amy Burris says
Is this good for HE machines?
Charles Johnson says
WOW! lovely like this post. What a great review. it’s really amazing.
Melissa says
I’ve been making this recipe for about 4 years now, so amazing! Actually, I’ve only had to make this recipe 3 times now, for my family of 3 🙂 It would last longer if I didn’t give away samples of it to family and friends to try, but many love it–I’ve converted a few people over to making their own! Amazing that this one recipe could last my family for two years. By the way, I don’t add the Oxy Clean or purex crystals…I use your other recipe for fabric softener crystals, and make small batches of fabric softener with different scents depending on my mood 🙂 Love this recipe, love this site–it has saved me money on many different things and has inspired me to cook more homemade meals!
Gloria says
You can add to the recipe, White King ultra water softener and detergent booster. Is excellent for stains!
Dawn says
This is my third time making this laundry detergent and I will make it for the rest of my life! It’s easy, cleans our clothes great and it’s inexpensive. I omit the Purex Crystals (I don’t want a scent). One scoop is all you need for a load (I used to use 2, but 1 cleans just as well). At Wal-Mart, the ingredients cost $20. A batch seems to last forever. Thank you for posting this for frugal families!
Dottie Stevens says
I have been using this powdered laundry soap for almost 3 years with mostly success. If I have a really bad grease stain, or a stubborn mystery stain I spray the stain with Dawn dish detergent, and let it sit for about 1 hour. I then fill my washer with water (cold for grease, warm for others), and add several denture cleaning tablets. After about 3-4 minutes I add the treated clothes and let it sit for another 3 minutes. I then launder as usual. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries, but most everything comes out. I always line or drip dry so I don’t really set the stain in. My hairdresser told me about this, and I have had amazing success with it!
Karen says
I have been making this laundry detergent for about two years now. A batch lasts about a year and costs $20 – $25 depending on which grocery store I shop at. Much cheaper than buying detergent at the store! I use the Zote soap flakes in a box instead of grinding up the bars of soap as a time saver. Our laundry comes out clean, not dingy, and smells really nice and I use a stain remover if I’m concerned about stains not coming out in the wash. I love making it and on a fixed income I love how inexpensive the yearly cost is to make it.
Dan says
I tryed this. So far, so good! I find it hard to believe that i only need 1-2 tablespoons, but i gave it a try. It works! Clothes smell good too. It does save money.
Tiffany Mertz says
Anyone know if this recipe is safe to use on cloth diapers???
Eva says
I LOVE this recipe. I’ve been using it for two years now. I’ve made it 5 times in two years. The least I’ve spent is 19.76 (sales & coupons)
The most I’ve spent is 23.46 (ZERO sales or coupons)
In two years I’ve saved at least $300 if not more based on what I was spending on laundry soap. And that was the cheapest no dye, no fragrance stuff I could find.
I wash at least one load of laundry every day, if not more. Cloth diapers included. I’ve even shared with friends who have since started using this recipe themselves.
I’ve used Tide a couple times while visiting family (because I forgot my soap) and honestly the ONLY difference was the smell.
When I mix mine, I like to put it all in a pillow case and mix it around that way. Then I dump it in my bucket and I throw the pillow case in a small load of laundry. The amount of soap that’s on it washes the load 🙂
Karrie says
Ooooh, I love that idea, thanks!! I will have to try the pillow case method next time.
Janna says
Does this dissolve well in cold water? I wash all of my work clothes in cold water.
Also, how would I halve this recipe? I don’t have room for this much detergent at once!
Karrie says
Yes, you can use this with cold water.
Oh, I do so love this site! Honestly, these are (mostly) DIY recipes I’ve tried and most I still use. But, I love sites like yours as they encourage me to keep up the good work and continue to fight the good fight! As for the detergent, I’ve been making a similar recipe for 14 years now! Love it! My inner hippie won’t allow me to use any essential oil but patchouli and it’s oh, so wonderful! Even clothes stored for a season or 2 smell fantastically hippie chick when they’re taken out of the totes! Everyone always asks what perfume I’m wearing but they’re usually the same people who claim to hate patchouli. So, LOL, I just say that I don’t remember! Anyway, for those of you waffling, my 5 kiddos look and smell clean and this is all I use to wash their clothes. The boys play basketball, soccer and football with no stains and NO ODOR! Some of the other moms even ask me to wash their kid’s uniform since I can get out stains they’ve failed miserably at!
Karrie says
Aweeee, thanks so much for loving my site. I appreciate it!
Pete says
I’ve been using this recipe for about a year now. Not to save money……just to make as many products as I can ! My only complaint was no scant. But I see you use Purex. If I make small batches…..1 cup Borax, 1 cup Washing Soda, 1 bar soap……how much Purex would I toss in ? I don’t think I would need the whole 28 ounces……
Peggy Donahoo says
Have been using this for a few years. Love it! Once I decided to use Zote instead of Fels Naptha. Did not like the smell of Zote! Had a hard time using all of the cleaner. Haven’t made that mistake since. Have everything to make a new batch at this time. Just got to get it done….
Has anyone ever put Fel /naptha in microwave before grinding it?