Making your own Homemade Laundry Detergent
I finally decided to try and make my own homemade laundry detergent using ingredients you can buy at your local supermarket. I was a little bit worried when I saw how many ingredients I needed to buy to make this, and wondered if this would really be cost effective or not. But after making this, doing the math and using it I can tell I will always be making and using my own homemade from now on. It’s a great way to save money!
Here are the cast of ingredients to make your own homemade laundry detergent:
1 Box of Super Washing Soda 3 lb. 7 oz. ($3.24)
1 Box of Borax 4 lbs 12 oz. size ($3.38)
1 Box of Pure Baking Soda 4 lb. ($2.12)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha 5.5 oz. or you could also use Ivory soap ($0.97 x3)
1 container of Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb ($3.86)
*optional: Purex Crystals 28 oz. for scent (or you could use Downy unstoppables ) ($5-$6)
All these ingredients cost a total of $20.27 out of my pocket (Walmart prices).
And that was without using coupons. If some coupons become available you will spend even less.
The first step is to grate your Fels-Naptha Bar. You can use a cheese grater to do this, but I used my food processor as it was a lot quicker. Using my food processor I first grated the bar like cheese, and then used the regular blade to grate down fine. You could use Ivory soap (just microwave it and it will foam where you can just crush it into a fine grade).
Next I grabbed one of my plastic tote bins and put a black garbage bag inside of it. Then I poured each one of the ingredients inside like so.
Mix all these ingredients up well. Possibly throw in some free child labor.
Then add it all to your container of choice.
There is quite a lot of this homemade laundry detergent. In fact it is 18 lbs. worth!
That is 18 lbs of Laundry Detergent!
You only need to use 1-2 tablespoons per load, and yes you can use it in your High Efficiency washing machines (that’s what I have been using). Some people worry that just 1-2 tablespoons is not enough, but this stuff is concentrated and works really well! I have been using it for months now. My daughter has really sensitive skin, and this has been wonderful for her since all the others out there have add-ins.
But is this cost effective?
So I did the math of course, to figure out how much per load this recipe makes. I am super excited about the results because it is as low as $0.04 per load which is a stock up price when it comes to laundry detergent and using coupons. But watch for coupons on these items to even make the cost lower.
By Comparison –
Ultra Tide powder 143 oz. box, 8.9 lbs. = $17.97 at Walmart ($0.12 per load)
This Homemade Laundry Detergent recipe makes 18 lbs (or 288 oz.) and costs $20.27. 1 lb of this is about 28 tablespoons. 18 lbs equals 504 loads @ 1 tbsp per load. Final price is just $0.04 per load!
So $0.04 per load homemade versus $0.12 per load (Tide).
So even the largest box of Tide detergent at Walmart which has 102 loads won’t last as long as this homemade stuff. And you can save so much money by making this yourself. Give it a try, you won’t be sorry…I promise!

Homemade Laundry Detergent
- 1 box Super Washing Soda 3.7 lb
- 1 box Borax 4 lb 12 oz. size
- 1 box Pure Baking Soda 4 lbs
- 3 5.5 oz bars of Fels-Naptha
- 1 container Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb
- 1 28 oz *optional: Purex Crystals for scent or you could use Downy un-stoppables
- Finely grate the Fels-Naptha. Mix all the ingredients together and store in container of your choice. Use only 1-2 Tablespoons of detergent per load.
Homemade Laundry Detergent – costs $20.27 to make – can last a whole year or even longer (504 loads)
Updating this post: this recipe has lasted 10 months for my family of 6!! Plus I wanted to share this awesome comment posted from Nick (thanks for your service Nick!):
I think that is the best comment ever!
Comments & Reviews
Jay says
the math and cost is all wrong, just wanted to point out this does not make 18 lbs but 16.6lbs and thats if you use the 39oz bottle of scent boosters
Kimberly Goldick says
Made this around this same time last year so it lasted about a year for a family of 3 adults. Great laundry soap and cleans so good. Saves us lots of money!
Saul Florez says
I can’t seem to find a 1.3 lb package of Oxi-Clean, 1.3 kg is 3 pounds, is it possible the 1.3 on the oxi-clean is kg and not pounds?
Michelle says
Walmart has 1.3 lbs
Deidre says
Can you tell me about the smell it leaves on the clothes? I have recently been using Buff City Soap Narcissist and love the smell, but would like to try this recipe. Any suggestions?
Karrie says
It’s not much smell unless you add in a lot of scent beads or crystals.
Shannan says
You can buy the narcissist essentials oil online if you want to add to your laundry powders. I skip the scented beads due to the added chemicals on the skin.
Kristin says
I was just wondering if you can use a different type of soap then Fels Naptha?? I can’t seem to find it at my local grocery store and it’s kind of expensive on Amazon.
Karrie says
I like Fels Naptha, haven’t found another good enough replacement.
Joy says
For the bar soap use Zoto which is found pin Walmart in Texas. It also comes in flakes.
Elizabeth Beasley says
Fels Naphtha has been discontinued. I’m making a batch today and will be trying Castile soap bars. I tried zote last year and found that it irritates my skin.
Jan wolter says
U c a n buy fels Naptha at a small-town hardware store.. I just bought 3 bars @ $2.00 ea. I had to wait for a new delivery .
Gloria Billings says
I sometimes use Kirk’s Pure Castile soap, 4 bars that are 4 ounces each. I can find it at most large grocery stores. It’s white and blue label. It generally costs about $3.00 per bar. So use either Fels-Naptha soap or Kirk’s Pure Castile soap. They are interchangeable. By the way, the Kirk’s Pure Castile soap is wonderful to use on your body in the shower. I have made many batches of this laundry detergent. Sometimes I give a bag of it to a friend for a gift. Add a label to it saying to use 2 Tablespoons per laundry load.
Michelle says
Walmart has it. At my local store 1 bar is $1.37.
Carol says
I have been using this for about 5 years and it works great. I use white vinegar about 1/2cup per load. The combo of vinegar and baking soda does the job if cleaning machine so I never have to use afresh.
Karen says
I have been making my own laundry detergent for years, and this is the only recipe I have ever used! I love it, it works great and it lasts for a very long time! My best friend is allergic to alot of laundry detergents on the market, and when I gave her some and told her to try it, she loved it! It didn’t break her out or make her itch and now she uses it! It’s very cost efficient. Thank you!
DeezNutz says
The Pyrex crystals didn’t give her an allergic reaction? Or did you leave it out since it was optional?
Crystal says
Feels naptga ingredients have change as well as scent. Do you have other recommendations?
Soraya says
I make my own coconut soap instead of using store bought. You can google CP pure coconut oil soap for laundry use. It’s a LOT cheaper than buying soap and so much better for your clothes.
Melanie says
I made this batch of laundry detergent soap and it works GREAT! It cost me a little bit more because of this hyperinflation we all are having, but well worth it!! I have the healthiest & the lowest price laundry detergent around now!! ;-))
Carol says
I have been using this reciie for about 5 years. One thing I do is use white vinegar Gomorrah run every & softener. I noticed that the ‘clean machine’ light does not come on. The addition of vinegar combined with baking soda keep machine so you don’t have to use afresh, which is expensive. Before I used this home made, the light was coming on about once every two months.
Tab says
Thanks for posting this article. Have you noticed if this laundry mix lighten darks?
Thanks for your help!
Happy-Money-Saver says
You’re welcome! I haven’t seen any difference in my laundry.
Colleen Smith says
Question on the Oxyclean the recipe calls for 1.3 lb, however the container is 3lbs. Was this an error in the recipe or do you divide the oxyclean to 1.3lbs?
Happy-Money-Saver says
My container was 1.3 lbs. I would probably just use half of the container for this batch and the other half for the next batch.
Angela says
I have been making this for years and LOVE it! What is shocking is I came back to this recipe today and looked at the prices. I compared them to the prices in my Instacart and yes it still saves money but sad we don’t have these prices anymore.
Faye Rancher says
Can you use this detergent in a commercial washer at laundromat if so how much. Can you put the detergent in washer after loading clothes. The laundromat I use recommend putting powder detergent on top of clothes after loading
Happy-Money-Saver says
It should work the same in commercial washers as it does with a regular washer.
Ayla says
I made this and was wondering, can I make it into a liquid? I don’t think it is dissolving very well in the washer. Thanks!
Lisa says
Why Downy? It affects your hormones and isn’t natural or safe, especially for males. Leave it out and enjoy simple clean smell.
Sam Wright says
I was wondering the same thing. Why would you go to all the trouble to make this is natural and unscented as possible and then add something in with chemicals. I wouldn’t do that. I make my own and add in the vinegar.
Tania says
Is this compatible with the high efficiency compatible washers?
Happy-Money-Saver says
Carol says
It’s better for your washer because it doesn’t suds up and if you add 1/2 cup of white vinegar instead of softener, your clean washer light will hardly ever come on. Vinegar is a better softener because it Rincres clean and doesn’t build up on clothes.
Elaine Conradt says
Can this home made laundry detergent be used in a front loading washing machine that warns use only HP laundry detergent?
Happy-Money-Saver says
Carol says
Have you found that it completely dissolves even when using cold water? I never use warm water, don’t want to go through the trouble of making it if my clothes end up gritty or if I have to use extra water since we’re on a well.
Chris says
I have been using this homemade detergent for several years now and wash different loads in both warm, hot and cold water. I have never noticed any residue or grit.
Wendy says
Does this laundry soap melt well with cold water?
Happy-Money-Saver says
Della says
I do not like the smell of Naphtha the smell lingers in my clothes after they are washed sinI wonder if they are really getting clean. I cannot get it to dissolve even though I let it dissolve in hot water and shake it up. By having to do this I do not think this is for me. I made a large batch and followed the instructions so I know I did it right. My laundry room is outside in a large storage building so the water I use is very cold.
Kim says
I put the measured amount in a jar add hot water .shake it the break it down then add it to machine and switch it to cold.
Paula Ceder says
I am sure this recipe works well, but as for myself I have been making my own laundry soap for about ten years with only three of the ingredients: grated bar soap, washing soda and borax. The ratio is 50% grated soap and 25% each of the soda and borax. It is super simple, does an amazing job of cleaning everything thoroughly and after using Fels Naptha once, I started to experiment with goat’s milk soap, lavender soap and other gentle sorts of bar soap and the product still worked perfectly. I also have bought large scented bar soaps in the dollar stores for the purpose.
Love your blog-thanks for all your great advice!
niki says
Can you share how may Fels-Naptha bars and boxes of Super Wash? I can’t use Borax for health reasons, nor can I use Oxi clean or Downy, but will add Baking Soda. Hoping it works.
Danielle says
Is there an alternative to the super washing soda? It’s hard to come by.
Sam says
You can make it in the oven using baking soda.
Brenda D says
I’m having trouble with the measurements, as I have bought all ingredients in bulk from Amazon. May I get this recipe converted using Cups?
Brenda D says
I was thinking using 2 cups Washing Soda, 2 cups Borax, 2 cups Baking Soda, 1.5 Cups Soap Flakes, 1/2 cup Oxy Clean, and 1/2 cup Downy Unstoppables. Let me know what you think.. many thanks, i can not wait to try this!
Chris says
For anyone else buying bulk, this is what I have found online
1 ib Oxy Clean = 1 3/4 cups (so just over 2 1/4 cups for the recipe)
4lb box of Baking Soda = 8 1/2 cups
I have only been able to get Borax and Super Washing Soda in the standard boxes.
Good luck