For times when good ol’ soap and water aren’t available and hands need to be washed, try my homemade hand sanitizer! Super easy to make with only a few ingredients!

Did you know that making your own homemade hand sanitizer is crazy simple and also cost effective? Who knew, right?
Too bad there’s not a sanitizer for little tongues that decide a grocery store floor looks just too resistible to refrain from tasting.
Seriously. Where do they get these ideas?
Anyway, let’s get right to it, shall we?

2/3 C 99% isopropyl alcohol
1/3 C aloe vera gel
1 Tbsp Coconut (Fractionated) Carrier Oil or vitamin E
5-10 drops essential oil of choice (see my favorite brand of essential oils)
If you only have 70% isopropyl alcohol it changes the recipe a little bit. You need more alcohol to aloe vera ratio for the correct germ-killing strength.
1 C 70% isopropyl alcohol
2 Tbsp aloe vera gel
1 Tbsp Coconut (Fractionated) Carrier Oil or vitamin E
5-10 drops essential oil of choice (see my favorite brand of essential oils)
I would recommend using as pure of form of aloe vera gel as possible. I tried to find the clear, non-dyed version at my local store, but it was nowhere to be found. Next time I’ll see what I can find online. The coconut oil or vitamin E oil is completely optional, but it does add a nice moisturizing factor. You can really use whatever essential oil you’d like.
The ingredients are fairly flexible as long as the rubbing alcohol contents is at least 2/3’s of the amount. This keeps the germ fighting factor where it should be.

In a small bowl or jar mix rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel together. Then mix in coconut oil/vitamin E oil and essential oils. Put the ingredients in a mason jar and shake it all up. Super easy.
Pour into container of choice. Old store bought containers work like a dream. A little goes a long way.
So how do we cost compare to the store bought stuff?
Rubbing alcohol: $0.67 (my 16oz bottle was $2)
Aloe vera gel: $0.66 (my 8oz bottle was also $2)
Coconut oil: $0.15
Essentail Oil: $0.41 for 5 drops lavender, 1 drop tea tree
Total Cost: $1.89
A bottle of hand cleanser at my local Walmart costs $3 before tax, so that’s at 37% savings. While the savings isn’t huge to make homemade hand sanitizer, I love knowing exactly what I put on my body.

What about you? Are you a hand sanitizer fan?
I don’t like to overuse it, but it is convenient for when we’re out and about and good ol’ soap and water aren’t an option.

Homemade Hand Sanitizer
- small bowl or jar
Recipe with 99% isopropyl alcohol
- 2/3 C 99% isopropyl alcohol
- 1/3 C aloe vera gel
- 1 Tbsp coconut fractionated carrier oil or vitamin E
- 5-10 drops essential oil of choice see my favorite brand of essential oils
Recipe with 70% isopropyl alcohol
- 1 C 70% isopropyl alcohol
- 2 Tbsp aloe vera gel
- 1 Tbsp coconut fractionated carrier oil or vitamin E
- 5-10 drops essential oil of choice see my favorite brand of essential oils
- In a small bowl or jar mix rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel together.
- Mix in coconut oil/vitamin E oil and essential oils.
- Put the ingredients in a mason jar and shake it all up.
- Add to container of choice.
Comments & Reviews
shelly says
I read somewhere that you could add a little extra aloe into this recipe. I added an extra tablespoon. Will this have a compromising impact on the strength of the spray I just made?
Karrie says
Hi, from what I’ve read you need to have the exact rations for it to be strong enough. But I’m not sure if one extra tablespoon will really make that much of a difference.
Michelle says
I can only find 50% isopropyl alcohol. What can I do to boost this or make it effective
Karrie says
Once alcohol concentrations drop below 50%, usefulness for disinfection drops sharply is what I’ve read. So sadly, 50% just isn’t strong enough.
Stephanie says
Add 12 teaspoons of Witch Hazel to the recipe. It will bring the formula up to the alcohol ratio of store bought hand sanitizer. ✌?❤️?
Div says
Thankyou for the recipe! It worked wonders for my toddler.
Just had a doubt of how long can it be preserved ?
Linda Sarafin says
I just tried to make the hand sanitizer with Pure aloe vera and Alcohol 99%. I measured the alcohol then added the aloe, the aloe had turned into a big clump and will not dissolve. Am I missing a step here.
Karrie says
Hmmm… that is very strange, that’s never happened to me before. Any chemists reading this? What could have happened?
Dianeyda Almonte says
Same happened to me. I used Equate soothing gel with aloe vera. Could that be the reason?
Karrie says
That is so strange! I wonder if there is an ingredient that doesn’t chemically work with 99% alcohol and certain brands of aloe gel. If any chemists might know please share! I haven’t ever had this happen to me before so I’m not sure.
Ja says
Same thing here. I used organic Aloe Vera, and had to tun it through a strainer, after shaking in a jar several times.
Clare says
Gahh mine has done that too!!
Cassidy says
Clearly here in Texas and all over everyone has bought all the rubbing alcohol. I was wondering if you could use Witch Hazel in place of it..????? Thanks!
Karrie says
Hi, unfortunately witch hazel should NOT be used as the single germ-fighting ingredient in place of alcohol.
Stephanie says
Use vodka & witch hazel.
Lisa Maldonado says
Just made this but it’s very watery not like the Purell you buy at the store did I do it right?
Karrie says
It depends on the aloe vera gel and if you used the recipe for the 70% it will be a lot more watery as there is more alcohol in it.
Susan says
Can you use Banana boat soothing after sunbgel with aloe or does it have to be 100% aloe vera
Karrie says
It’s supposed to be as close to 100% aloe as possible. I’m not sure if that will work as there are probably different chemicals in that type and they might not react well with the alcohol?
Novi Bennett says
Hi, will the coconut oil leave a greasy feeling on hand?
Karrie says
No it doesn’t! There isn’t much in there so it’s just there as an extra moisturizing effect.
Sol says
I have 91% Alcohol. What would be the recipe?
Karrie says
Hi that would be 2/3 cup alcohol + 1/3 cup aloe vera + 1 tbsp coconut oil (opt) + essential oils 🙂
Kelly says
Karrie – thank you so much!!
You have no idea just how much of a blessing this recipe/post is to me!!
I have been searching long and hard for effective recipes on how to make homemade hand sanitizer when all you have available is 70% isopropyl alcohol and….well….thanks to you…. I finally found one today!!
Thank you oh-so-much for this!!
Can’t wait to try it 🙂 🙂
Sue says
All you have to do is find rubbing alcohol, which is sold out where I live!
Karrie says
I know, it’s hard to find it these days!
Emily Rife says
Love it!
I have been studying the properties & compounds in essential oils for a couple of years now,
Just wanted to share this little tip,
Using a 1 to 1 blend of rosemary & eucalyptus essential oils for this is a really good idea. Lavender is fine, but it is not high in bacteria fighting properties. Rosemary is a natural herb that contains anti-microbial compounds that have antiseptic, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus has been proven to fight off bacterias from different strains of viruses. It may not smell as good as a lavender blend, but it’s far better than some other blends. Some (me) even use just a mix of these two essential oils in aloe or a carrier oil alone to create a natural hand sanitizer. I’m not sure how effective it has been proven to be, but I do know that rubbing alcohol can surprisingly take up to fifteen minutes to effectively kill fungus & bacterias. And in some cases, it doesn’t always kill the bacteria, but rather it halts them or slows their growth. This can result in people still spreading germs shortly after using hand sanitizers. Not trying to take away from this post, as it is an awesome little recipe & DIY, but remember to also, if a sink & soap are available to you, wash your hands thoroughly before using this as a final “coat.”
Laura says
I don’t have coconut oil. Would Avocado oil work in its place?
Karrie says
Hi, you can either omit it or yes, I’d think avocado oil or any light carrier oil would work great. 🙂
Sheila T. says
Super easy to make and makes hands so soft. Thanks so much for this recipe since you can’t find hand sanitizers because of Coronavirus.
Karrie says
Thanks so much, so happy you liked this recipe!!
Patricia McBride says
I love this idea. I bought the ingredients and am going to make some today?
Thank you
Karrie says
Wonderful!!! It’s so easy to make your own, especially when everywhere around you is sold out. 🙂
Kacie says
How much does this recipe make? As far as what ounce size container will I need to put this in?
Karrie says
Hi, this makes about a full cup of hand sanitizer. 🙂 It will fill up quite a few smaller sized ones, and the rest you can add to a small pint sized jar and use to fill it up later!
Sonya says
Nice idea. Over using such items can immune your body to it.
Yeah germs are everywhere but have u noticed there are more kids with allergies now than ever before? Cuz we over protect from life’s bacterial and bombard then with squeaky clean fingers and chemicals. It’s kinda ‘out if hand’
Use sparingly. Seriously.
1st Naturals Health says
This is a great recipe. I am fond of hand cleanser especially after holding some coins or money in my hands as I go shopping. Keep up the nice posts!
Julie says
I’m so glad to see this! I don’t like to overuse that stuff, either, but there are times it is called for, and my husband is obsessed with it so we can go through a lot. I had a preschooler in my class who called it *** so I love that, but our family calls it ‘tizer because that’s what my son called it as a toddler!
Stawr says
Just tried this. I remember you saying in another post that you get what you pay for with essential oils. I bought a lavender oil from whole foods that was 24 bucks. I did 5 drops of the lavender and then added one my mom bought at a christian store I forgot what the sent was, but whatever it was, it smelled so weak and diluted. And then mom said that it was diluted with olive oil. That one cost around 6 bucks. I did 5 drops of that one. I think I’m going to add more drops of lavender oil to mine cause mine still has a very strong alcohol smell.
Yasmin says
Walgreens sells 100% pure clear aloe vera gel for $6.29 for 24 oz. I think that breaks down to about 24 cents per oz.
Emily says
Thank you for the Recipe Mrs. Karrie. I am really am looking forward to more of your DIYs! -Emily