Instead of buying those fancy shmancy keys to get your key ring organized, use today's thrifty tip to make your own nail polish keys. I've seen this idea all over Pinterest and knew I had to try it Continue Reading
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Canadian Homestead with a View
I dream of having that view. Of walking out on a big beautiful porch with an endless view of grass, flowers, and fields. This picture was taken while I was visiting my husbands family in Continue Reading
Big Eggs, Little Eggs + Chickens are my Therapy
So, we have our first dozen eggs! Lacey, Ginger and Goldie are all laying eggs, and Pepper might be too, but I can't be sure. I need to go out and watch them a little more this week. I added in a Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Clean Your Garbage Disposal
If you take care of your garbage disposal the right way, it will last a whole lot longer, which saves you money. So cleaning and deodorizing your disposal is today's thrifty tip! How to clean your Continue Reading
What’s Happening in my Garden {Month of August}
Giving you an update of all the happenings in my garden this month. I planted some peas a few weeks ago hoping for a fall harvest. Crossing my fingers it doesn't get too cold or freeze too early Continue Reading
5 Top Herbs to Keep Around for Cooking
Dried herbs are great to have on hand when you’re cooking on the fly, but there’s something about the flavor and aroma of fresh herbs that really add a whole new dimension to your cooking. Whether you Continue Reading
You going to the Fair this year? Here are some money savin’ tips!
Fairs and festivals are a huge part of summer time! Every year, my family looks forward to the fun filled kid friendly event. I always wonder who has more fun, me or the kids! I mean, we could hang Continue Reading
Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Recipe
Ever since I started making my own homemade laundry detergent I knew I wanted to try to make homemade dishwasher detergent as well. My goal to making my own homemade dishwasher soap recipe was to Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Cut your Sponges to Save Money
One of my dear friends was watching me do the dishes after a BBQ recently. She asked where I had purchased my cute little sponges, so I said, "Walmart of course!" She had never seen a sponge cut in Continue Reading
The First Egg! The First Egg!
First came the chicken and now after many sleepless nights finally the EGG! I'm so excited. I was jumping up and down and squealing with delight when I first saw it. My husband of course Continue Reading