Picture this: It's early November. You're hustling the kids into bed after a long and exhausting day. Just as you're tucking everyone under the blankets, Little Johnny pipes up: "Mommy? I need Continue Reading
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My Albertsons Shopping: Spent $32 Saved $251
Oh man, the deals are so hot with doublers at Albertsons this week! I did some extreme coupon shopping (spent a few hours in the store...but loved every minute of it...) I ended up with all this Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Be “HAPPY” with what you have.
Today's Thrifty Tip is all about being happy with what you have. As my pioneer ancestors used to say, " Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." Here is a little video on something I am Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Use Newspaper to Wash Windows
Got a pile of newspapers left over from all that coupon-clipping? Since winter's a long way off (and chances are, you won't be needing those papers for fire starters), consider putting that stack Continue Reading
Buying the WHOLE COW to Save Moo-la! {thrifty tip}
Buying beef in bulk is often a wise economic choice for the meat-lovin' family! You not only save money on all your steaks and roasts, but your meat is usually much higher in quality than the Continue Reading
West Coast Coupon Clipping Service CLOSED {Local WA coupon clipping company}
Update: West Coast Coupon Clipping website store is now closed. Westcoastcouponclipping.com is a great new coupon clipping website based right here in Pasco, WA! Coupon clipping companies are Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Dumpster Diving 101
Dumpster diving for coupons is definitely not a new concept, but thanks to TLC's Extreme Couponing, the practice has recently been thrust into the spotlight. While many will exclaim, "Eewww!" over Continue Reading
Utilizing your public library is the best way to reduce, or completely eliminate, your book and entertainment budget! Whether your child needs to research a specific topic for school, or Continue Reading
Thrifty Tip: Go for the FREE boxes at Yard Sales
{image credit} Today's Thrifty Tip is go for the FREE boxes at yard sales! It's that time of year again! If yard sales haven't already started to crop up around your neighborhood - get ready! They Continue Reading
Frugal Recipe: Homemade Granola
Is it just me, or does everyone crave healthier and lighter foods as the weather warms up? I love a good granola, and this recipe is one of my fav's! It's a yummy snack we eat all summer long at my Continue Reading